Monday, 20 October 2008

Shame on me.

What a total epiphany. I realised. He's such a total ass!

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Well- I'm over it. Remember I said I was doing my best not to fall because It's hurt to much when I fell flat on my face? Well I guess I did well? I've cried once and that's it.

I woke up this morning and just told myself, You've cried too many tears over that man and who's going to pick up the pieces? No one. There's not going to be any pieces for anyone to pick up. I don't need that man to make me happy.

Works been a bit crazy lately. Last Tuesday and Wednesday I ended up going home early because I was so cut up about the who Phil thing, so I got in to work on Thursday and was told by my manager not to bother going in until I 'sorted myself out' so here I am at home, still bursting in to tears every now and again. It can happen anywhere. It was in the shower this morning, and yesterday when I was in the queue at Woolworts (i bought the High School Musical 3 soundtrack, it's amazing!), and while I was on the phone to L (the old manager, more on that in a minute), when I couldn't find my keys in my handbag. I'm like a tear machine!!

So anyway, I've been off work for a week almost but before that the new manager W has been being a bit of a tit really, I don't know why?? I'm just not happy in the job in the way that I was when I first started so I may be moving to the branch where L is!! Spoke to him last night and he's been talking to his sales manager about getting someone on the phones (which is what I do), he tried to get me transferred when he first moved but he wasn't allowed to as I was he only person at my branch working on the phones... now we have someone else doing it so I should be able to move. Just have to talk to the regional manager and if he gives it the OK I'll be going in to L's team :)
I don't know what it is, what makes the difference... you'll recall me saying L is more of a friend than a manager and I think that certainly helps. He's not the kind of person who'd see I'm having a bad time and just tell me not to bother coming in to work - he'd actualy help me sort my shit out. That helps a hell of a lot.


Nicey said...

Sound like some changes are needed, I hope that it works out for ya


rX said...

Too right!! but definitely welcome change, much needed :)

Nicey said...

Found your blog by accident I am in ...

rX said...

Well welcome!! it's a rollercoaster ride of emotions :)