Saturday, 27 December 2008

Christmas time!!

As usual I've stuffed myself that much that it actually hurts to breathe so I shall keep this short and sweet.
Hope you've all had a good one??
It's been lovely here, despite the fact I was dreading it =)
Me and mummy were going to spend christmas day doing some kind of meals on wheels thing for the 'older' people in our area but we spoke to the CVS and they said no (health and safety, blah blah blah) so instead i got the most heartwarming present, a cataract operation for someone. Nice warm fuzzy feeling included. It's lovely not to be greedy on christmas!!
so, due to lack of inspiration, I'm going to copy Nicey...

*Starting to sort my shit out (in all parts of my life).
*Getting out there and enjoying my life. Lets face it, it took long enough for it to happen!!
*Learning a hell of a lot about myself.
*Discovering the 'new me' (with double the confidence of the 'old me')
*What highs? I've not touched anything stronger than paracetamol in months!

*Losing not one but 2 jobs
*Getting kicked out by mummy again
*Phil dying. And then finding out the circumstances surrounding his death. I never did tell that story in full, did I?

It's been a nice year. Have a good new years everyone, love ya!!

1 comment:

Nicey said...

Happy New Year, well you have more high points than low so you must be doing something right !!
Take care, laters
