Monday, 19 January 2009

My life has become officially boring. I finish work, go home. Drink tea and read a book. maybe a glass of wine, but not often unless it's the weekend. Go to bed. This happens every day. I'm looking for some inspiration in my life, somkething to make me tick, to make me want to leave the house at night - recently i've become so uninspired that i don't even leave then house to go shopping.
Is it the winter blues? I'm not 100% sure you know. It's like, I want to go out there and do things but there's just nothing for me to do. I'm starting to wonder if this move to the city was wise.

Talking of moves... I moved again the other day!! I'm still in the city but back in the old house i lived in 2 years ago, the one that I lived in with phil and the boys. It's amazing, I just saw the old landlord and he just asked if i wanted to move back in, there was a room going and he'd give me priority since he knew that i was a good tenant (a case of rose tinted glasses me thinks, when I lived there I didn't pay rent for about 4 months!!)
well, I'm back there now because I was indeed looking for a new places, the housemates at the other place were driving me absolutely bananas! And you know what? I love it. I still know a couple of the guys who live there although obviously phil is no longer with us. A lot of his stuff is though, his family didn't want it and landlord hasn't had a chance to get it taken away yet. It's strange, I thought I'd find it weird living there without him because he played a larger role in my life than I would like to admit but it's comforting aswell, because while I have hundreds of memories of him I don't have anything really that I can look at and remember him. Now I do. I have the house.

apart from that, not much news. I'm a trainee supervisor now at the fish place (my friends like to call me a fish head but I'm not sure the name wioll catch on, i hope not anyway!) so my job is finally secure (by starting my training they have cancelled the 3 month probationary period) and so I feel a little more safe.

today I have an appointment with a local service to discuss my chances of getting a dual nationality for my planned move to South Africa - top secret though so hush hush! I'm looking at perhaps in two years time, a realistic amount of time I think to pay off the debts, get driving and save up. Of course I also need a whole business plan so I will get that arranged while I am getting ready to go over as well. I can't wait to go home...

1 comment:

Nicey said...

Never knew you were a Saffer, bet our missing home, still you have a job I still say that I would swap my life with yours !!!!
