Tuesday, 29 July 2008

There's not an awful lot to report from camp rX. Things have been quiet.

The job hunt has been quite unsuccessful so far; all the jobs around here are either crappy supermarket jobs, or things i have no experience in. Money is stressing me out at the moment. I'm really short, for the amount of bills I have to pay.

The truth is - I'm scared. I've nowhere to go at the end of september and I can't see myself finding anywhere while I have no job. But it's official. The job situation is god damn dire.

I've been happy though. the good weather certainly helps! Me and le flatmate are getting along well, and her blokey too. it's nice to spend my evenings with people i know and get on with well. who i like spending my time with.
I'm feeling a bit ditched by my schoolfriends- there's only been one frind who's really bothered to see how i am to spend time with me lately and that is the flatmate. I was sat in the kitchen the other day and she just came over to me, abruptly and said, I'm so sorry mate. I feel i've not been here for you lately and I'm sucha bitch for it.
But what she didn't realise - she's the only obe who has been here.

I forgot how much I'd missed it.

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