Sunday, 1 July 2007


So I was out on Friday night. I couldn't really afford it but hey, who cares?
LeBoy sends me a text. "I've just shagged me sisters best mate =P"
Is that really what taking it slow means? Saying you're seeing someone but then sleeping with other people and telling the person you're seeing what you've just done??
And not out of honesty because you feel bad. Oh no. You actually think it's funny??
He'll learn his mistake when he grows old alone. People find out who the bad guys are. Always.
Fucked weekend. Everything in excess, just the way i like it. The trees appearing in the sunlight as we danced to dirty beats made me feel like i'd seen something magic. I didn't think about him once. And i loved every minute of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What responce was he actually expecting from you? That's unreal, what a fuck wit :(