Friday, 17 October 2008

"So long, Jimmy, so long
Though you only stayed a moment
We all know that you're the one
So long, Jimmy, so long
Sure we're glad for the experience
We miss you now you've gone
We're just swimming in your soul 'cause
We all wish we wrote this song
Life goes on"
James Blunt - So Long Jimmy

That's what we all used to call him, you know - Jimmy. He's gone now, forever.
I saw S yesterday, his partner in crime. They often used to take me out for drinks. We went to Phil's favourite chinese all you can eat, and drank to him. It's what he would have wanted. I found out some really disturbing shit while I was with S. Things that no one ever wants to hear.
There was no note. It's a suspicious death. Someone drove him to do that, wether he killed himself accidentally or on purpose - not a single person who ever knew him has any doubts though. It was not on purpose. When Phil got down and depressed, he drank and took drugs to take his mind off it. And someone drove him to take whatever it was that he took.
He died in his sleep, choking on his own vomit.
We don't know when the funeral is, it'll be once there post mortem is done.

I just can't help thinking, why him? He was the most amazing, funny, caring, smart, gorgeous man. He lived for his daughter. Now he's got 2 that don't have a daddy.

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