Sunday, 5 July 2009

Life is definitely on the up, yesterdays feeling were not a blip.

I've booked myself a little holiday for next month, time to get away from this old town for a few days and start with the whole 'new experiences' thing.
Edinburgh here I come!! I've only been once, to celebrate my grandads 70th birthday, I was young and unappreciative of the beauty of the city, the castle, my family's history. I want more. I remember the city through flashes of memories, long roads, the gardens, the castle.
All my friends ask, Why go it alone? but i need to do this, I need time away from everything, work, backstabbing friends, him.
I love travelling alone. Train stations late at night, deserted countryside lit up by lonely streetlamps, hours for my own thoughts. Peoplewatching, music in my ears and beauty in my eyes.
No diversions. This will be a technology free holiday. No phone, no laptop, no internet. The most technology I'll be getting is my camera. I've become a bit of a media/technology whore lately and that needs to change, I want, I need, isolation from this life to sort myself out.
The holiday will start the day after my mums wedding. Lucky number 3? I've been thinking about it a lot recently and despite what everyone says, I can't believe you're ok with this, surprisingly I am. It has after all been 18 years since her and my dad split up - I don't ever remember a time when they were together. They have always been separate in my memories and that's the way I know they'll always be.
I'm not best pleased with my job at the moment, simply because i feel insecure. Things are happening there, not to me, to the company that make me want to leave. I have a job interview on Tuesday. Fingers crossed!!


Anonymous said...

Edinburgh is gorgeous, you'll have an amazing time! And as for leaving technology behind, I always panic without my mobile...but then after a day or so its actually really nice to be free...

Nicey said...

Nice one you will have a great time, nothing wrong with going on your own, I have been wanting to go to Goa over xmas but I am never on my own .......
Enjoy and welcome back to blogging
